About Us

When take our first breath as we enter this world and take our last as we leave. In times of excitement, we need to catch our breath and we have moments that take our breath away. These are complicated times and now more than ever we need to infuse Good JuJu into our lives.

When you make an effort to think of others and spread Good JuJu through small acts of kindness, you not only bring joy to those around you, but you also boost your own positivity and well-being. Selfcare should be made more of a priority. Working smarter not harder. It's finding the things that make your day a little brighter or run more smoothly. It's when things take less time rather than more time. It's the pop of yellow in your outfit that makes you feel spunky!  The pretty little bobbles that hang from your neck and the cozy blanket that swallows you up for a Netflix and Chill.

Spreading positivity by sharing stories from around the world of good deeds and good people. Bringing a smile to your face increases the likelihood that you will pay it forward. Why should it feel awkward or weird to say hello to a stranger?  To do a good deed or pay someone a compliment?  

Our hope is that when you are here with us, you see something that made you smile. That you maybe found something that could make your life easier or more comforting, or make you feel like a million bucks! That something brought you hope, made you laugh or made you feel inspired!

Stay A While And Find Your Smile!







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